Career Advice

A career is full of choices. First of all there’s one’s choice of profession: what kind of work do you want to do and in what industry? Then there’s also the choice between different companies and roles. What company would you prefer to work for and what position do you want to hold? The various roles that you’ll hold in your life collectively make up your career, and your own choices influence the course of this career.
The sizeable number of choices sometimes make it tricky to shape your career. After all, what do I want exactly, and how will I achieve it? And the decision to take your current career in a new direction isn’t an easy one either, as you’ll obviously not be wanting to make the wrong decision again. There’s always the option of career advice, which caters for the fact that lots of people struggle with these career choices. Based on a process that puts your interests, personality, talents and preferences in the spotlight, you’ll find yourself a job with potential to provide the job satisfaction you’re looking for.
Whether you’re at the start of your career or have decided to take your career in a different direction, it’s important to consider things carefully and get your bearings. If you’re not keen to engage in an intensive career advice process straight away, you can do this through self-scrutiny. What do you really want, what competencies and skills do you have and what are your interests? You might wish to find answers to these questions by taking an interest test, personality test or career choice test.