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Support Services means the technical support services offered by VMware for the Software pursuant to its then- current support policies. License notes You may use the Software for up to the number of Named Users for which You have paid the applicable license fees. For Subscription Software, You may use the Software solely during the Subscription Term. Upon expiration or termination of Your licenses to the Subscription Software, You shall promptly cease use of the Software and Documentation and destroy (and certify to VMware in writing the fact of such destruction) or return to VMware all copies of the Software and Documentation then in Your possession or under Your control.


Support Services are the activities and processes required for successful execution and completion of a revenue generating core program or process efficiently and within the expected time frame and cost. The support services are managed mostly by a separate department like admin, IT, payroll, customer service, after sales support etc. It is extremely important for any organization to have good support services to succeed in their business. Support services are important for the immediate relief of the internal as well as external customers and clients.


Benefits of Support Services

1.The better the quality of the support services higher will be the business growth.

2.The increase in customer satisfaction would lead to repeat purchase and will infuse brand loyalty. This will improve the reputation of the company.

3.Understanding the customer mindset and expectations will help the business develop product as per the customer’s needs.

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